
Celebrity Apex cruiseschip

Foto's schip

Fotogalerij Celebrity Apex

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  • Celebrity Apex royal suite balcony
  • Celebrity Apex room service penthouse
  • Celebrity Apex penthouse guest bedroom
  • Celebrity Apex iconic suite master bedroom
  • Celebrity Apex infinity hut
  • Celebrity Apex buitenhut
  • Celebrity Apex Blu
  • Celebrity Apex Blu
  • Celebrity Apex Luminae
  • Celebrity Apex le petit chef
  • Celebrity Apex cosmopolitain
  • Celebrity Apex raw on 5
  • Celebrity Apex raw on 5
  • Celebrity Apex martini bar en Grand Plaza
  • Celebrity Apex rooftop bar and garden
  • Celebrity Apex rooftop bar and garden
  • Celebrity Apex casino
  • Celebrity Apex Eden entrance
  • celebrity Apex spa relaxation room
  • Celebrity Apex spa salon
  • Celebrity Apex fitness center
  • Celebrity Apex solarium
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  • Celebrity Apex pool area
  • Celebrity Apex pool area cabana
  • Celebrity Apex shop
  • Celebrity Apex shop
  • Celebrity Apex shop
  • Celebrity Apex
  • Celebrity Apex shop
  • Celebrity Apex pool area
  • Celebrity Apex journey to Eden
  • Celebrity apex
  • Celebrity Apex royal suite balcony
  • Celebrity Apex room service penthouse
  • Celebrity Apex penthouse guest bedroom
  • Celebrity Apex iconic suite master bedroom
  • Celebrity Apex infinity hut
  • Celebrity Apex buitenhut
  • Celebrity Apex Blu
  • Celebrity Apex Blu
  • Celebrity Apex Luminae
  • Celebrity Apex le petit chef
  • Celebrity Apex cosmopolitain
  • Celebrity Apex raw on 5
  • Celebrity Apex raw on 5
  • Celebrity Apex martini bar en Grand Plaza
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  • Celebrity Apex rooftop bar and garden
  • Celebrity Apex casino
  • Celebrity Apex Eden entrance
  • celebrity Apex spa relaxation room
  • Celebrity Apex spa salon
  • Celebrity Apex fitness center
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  • Celebrity Apex pool area cabana
  • Celebrity Apex shop
  • Celebrity Apex shop
  • Celebrity Apex shop
  • Celebrity Apex
  • Celebrity Apex shop
  • Celebrity Apex pool area
  • Celebrity Apex journey to Eden


Dekken, hutten, suites en alle info van het cruiseschip

Foto's hutten en suites

Hutten en suites op Celebrity Apex


Bekijk overzicht Celebrity Apex dekplannen

Dekplannen Celebrity Apex

Deknaam DECK TWO - Level 0

Hut categorie



Kenmerken en feitjes Celebrity Apex

Feiten en wetenswaardigheden over Celebrity Apex
Algemeen   Faciliteiten   Technische gegevens
Passagiers: 2908   Aantal restaurants: 0   Bruto Tonnage: 0 BRT
Aantal dekken: 14   Specialiteiten-
0   Lengte: 1004.0 meter
Aantal sterren: 5   Bioscoop: nee   Breedte: 0.0 meter
Vorige namen:   Zwembaden: 0   Diepgang: 0.0 meter
Nationaliteit officieren:   Casino: nee   Vaart: 0 knopen
Bemanningsleden: 1320   Kindvriendelijk: nee   Voltage:  Volt
      Liften: nee      
      Disco: nee      
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